Pershing Clearing
Pershing, LLC is the world’s leading correspondent clearing firm and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank of New York Mellon. Pershing is a member of the New York Stock Exchange and every major US securities exchange as well as a member of the Frankfurt, Irish and London stock exchanges.
Bank of New York Mellon is the oldest US bank founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1784. Throughout its worldwide facilities, Pershing provides integrated, multilingual, multicurrency capabilities including execution, clearing, settlement, custody and reporting services. Pershing has execution capabilities in 45 countries.
Since 1939, Pershing has been providing brokerage execution, clearance, data
processing and financial products and services to introducing broker dealers. Pershing’s core competencies and technologies include:

For more than 60 years, Pershing’s name has been synonymous with high quality executions offering flexible order entry, expert execution and settlement and technology and resources that translate into prompt, professional trading.