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Trustee Services

Through our open architecture Trust Network platform, clients have access to a wide array of trust services and a choice of trustees.

The third party trustees, which include Royal Bank of Canada , Wilmington Trust Company, Santa Fe Trust Company, The Advisory Trust Company of Delaware  and Reliance Trust Company, assist in the administration of personal, charitable and family trusts for new and existing trusts, while still allowing the investment professional to manage the account assets.

Pershing Trustee Services and Comparison Chart

Clearing and custody through:

Pershing, LLC, a subsidiary of
Member New York Stock Exchange, FINRA, SIPC
Introduction to Pershing LLC, member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC, with respect to clearing for Everest Capital Partners is provided through
Bolton Global Capital, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC
579 Main St. Bolton, MA 01740 978-779-5361

Organization Regulated and Supervised by the
Superintendence of Capital Markets of the Republic of Panama. 
License to operate as an Investment Advisor. Res. 

349-2013 DMJ CAPITAL PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL INC. (Now Everest Capital Partners International Inc)
350-2013 DMJ CAPITAL PARTNERS PANAMA INC. (Now Everest Capital Partners Panama Inc)

Everest Capital Partners © 2016. All Rights Reserved. EV10001

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